I’m Joe Ross. I live in Princeton with my wife and kids. I work as a lawyer litigating mostly professional liabulity cases in state and federal courts throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Nothing here is legal advice, and none of it represents the opinions of my employer.

I’m also a geek interested generally in law and tech policy, science fiction, and all things indie web.

You can send me an email at hi at joeross dot me. You can find me on Signal via username joeross dot 01.

You can use RSS to subscribe to everything I post at this site with this feed, subscribe to just the links at this feed, or take your pick at the Feeds page.


When I can find the time, I’m most commonly internetting on Mastodon and Bluesky, though Threads is interesting, too. However, because I believe in owning your web presence, most of what I post on those networks appears here first.


This website is hosted at and published with Micro.blog. I usually use MarsEdit to write and publish posts and pages, but there are multiple official and third-party apps available to publish to Micro.blog.