Twitter UK chief responds to abuse concerns after campaigner is deluged with rape threats
Twitter UK chief responds to abuse concerns after campaigner is deluged with rape threats
This is a disturbing story, but more broadly it represents a big step backward for a company otherwise known for standing up for its users.
Jon Russell, writing at The Next Web:
Wang said, via Twitter, that the company was unable to discuss the specifics of the incident because “we don’t comment on individual accounts.” That position was echoed in a statement that Twitter provided to the BBC.
That’s unacceptable. It’s one thing to give the silent treatment to feature requests and “first world problem” complaints. But it’s another thing entirely when someone is being deluged with threats and then sees their own account suspended when they reach out about it.
Twitter is lucky it has built up so much goodwill among users and the press, because it burned much of it off with this serious misstep.