I’m a huge fan of apps and services like Instapaper and Pocket, which allow you to save web pages, articles and even videos for later. Whether I’m in line at a coffee shop or sitting in a waiting room, I often turn to tools like Twitter and Feedly to see what’s worth reading on any given day. The combination of all of those apps leaves me with far more content than I can read in a day, but I’m going to start sharing what I get to in a daily post over here.

This will serve two purposes. First, it will give you a sense of what I look at every day. Second, it will give me a convenient way to look for patterns in what I’m actually choosing to read versus the much larger bucket of things I’m saving. In other words, some of the stuff I save I will never, ever read. And maybe I’m repetitive or restricting myself to an echo-chamber of similar perspectives. This exercise will help me look for those things and then change them.

Most will be far shorter than this one, but in the spirit of getting off to a good start, here’s a list from the last couple of days: