Designer Eats Engineer
It’s getting easier for designers to become engineers. That’s a good thing, but it should be even easier. Design should be the hard part.
This is a great post, and something I think about often. I can read and write a lot of HTML and CSS, and can read some JavaScript. I don’t know anything about design, but I’m confident in my ability to avoid ugly mistakes by putting as much consideration into what I don’t include as I do into what I do include.
As an aside, Medium is a beautiful site with consistently solid content by thoughtful and articulate people.
Tim Cook tells Brian Williams TV is "an area of intense interest"
Tim Cook tells Brian Williams TV is “an area of intense interest”
Ronnie Polidoro, writing at NBC:
“When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years,” Cook told Williams. “It’s an area of intense interest. I can’t say more than that.”
This is the only interesting bit of the article. I’m not sure why he would tease it in an interview like this one, that will ostensibly reach a large viewership of non-geeks, unless they were close to their TV solution.
As an aside, “assembling” some iMacs in the US is not the same as “making” them here, and it’s a distinction I suspect will be lost on many.
Apple Maps lead fired
Richard Williamson is his name, and shipping a less-than-perfect mapping application on the iPhone 5 was his game, until, as Bloomberg's Adam Satariano reports, Senior Vice President Eddy Cue fired him.
As an aside, I really like that Bloomberg lists both the reporter’s and the editor’s name and email address at the bottom of stories. More publications should do that.