Personhood for chimps? Not any time soon.

Personhood for chimps? Not any time soon.It’s a noble cause, but a flawed strategy. Victory is unlikely, but even if achieved it will be quickly squelched by legislation redefining personhood as belonging only to human beings. That’s one of the problems universal marriage proponents have had: some …

2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals: DOMA violates Equal Protection

2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals: DOMA violates Equal ProtectionLarry Neumeister, for AP: The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued its 2-to-1 ruling only weeks after hearing arguments on a lower court judge’s findings that the 1996 [“Defense of Marriage Act”] was unconstitutional. This is …

Justice Ginsburg Smile

Justice Ginsburg SmileJustice Ginsburg isn’t allowed to say whether or not she would find equal protection arguments against the “Defense of Marriage” Act1 persuasive. But she’s allowed to smile. I, on the other hand, am allowed to tell you that DOMA is reprehensible and shameful, and every …