Election 2012

Conservatives lambast Romney, vow to take over Republican Party

Conservatives lambast Romney, vow to take over Republican PartyThe Hill’s Erik Wasson, quoting Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots: She described Romney as a “weak, moderate candidate hand-picked by the country club elite Republican establishment […] They didn’t see a clear distinction so …

Marriage rights tide turns decisively against US bigots

Marriage rights tide turns decisively against US bigotsI hope this is the beginning of an acceleration in the death of “traditional” marriage in the United States of America. Fear, ignorance, and religion are all equally insufficient and shameful excuses to deny universal marriage rights for one …

I am Barack Obama, President of the United States -- AMA

I am Barack Obama, President of the United States – AMAHis most vulnerable answer (in my opinion) was with regard to a question about his most difficult decision so far as President: The decision to surge our forces in afghanistan. Any time you send our brave men and women into battle, you …

Microsoft's Election 2012 hub on Xbox Live heralds the interactive TV future

Microsoft’s Election 2012 hub on Xbox Live heralds the interactive TV futureSamit Sarkar, reporting at The Verge: The interactive element of the hub is a live polling system. It will gather impressions from Xbox Live users as they watch live broadcasts of the three scheduled presidential …