Facebook Home
Why carriers should be more worried than Google about Facebook Home
Why carriers should be more worried than Google about Facebook Home
Ellis Hamburger, writing at The Verge:
Mirroring its rollout of free VoIP calling for iOS, Facebook has updated its Messenger app for Android to allow free calling for users in the US.
I think this is Facebook’s true sleight of hand: everyone is looking at Home and how they’re taking over the launcher and Android. Meanwhile they’re backdooring this VoIP technology that lets you call people using only wifi.
Facebook is asserting its primacy in the minds of millions of mobile users not only to dominate Android, but to put itself in a solid position to dominate carriers as well. Simple, user-friendly VoIP: one of the biggest and potentially most profound opportunities Google ever missed with Android.
Facebook announces Home, an Android launcher
Facebook announces Home, an Android launcher
Oh, and in case you were worried, there will eventually be ads in Facebook Home.