Gino Barrica
No, I didn’t include a link to the article to which Gino’s post responds. That is partially because Gino links to it and I want you to read his post and partially because I don’t want to give it any SEO help. The further down in the search results such “Abandon all hope…” articles are, the better. ↩
Gino Barrica on self-hating lawyers
Gino Barrica on self-hating lawyers
Gino Barrica, responding to yet another article1 cautioning against the pursuit of a law degree:
See, I’m not a self-hating lawyer. I’m not one of those who hang my head in shame when people ask what I do and I’m not someone who tells people to run for the hills when they tell me they’re considering law school. Yes, I’m up to my ears in debt. But, I’m also full of pride.
Gino is a friend and classmate of mine from Temple Law and someone who, I happen to know, is more intelligent than most people. While I plan on eventually giving my own experience with the bar exam the long-form treatment it deserves, I would like to, as lawyers like to say, incorporate by reference all of Gino’s thoughts on the value of a law degree to lawyers and non-lawyers alike.