iPhone 5

Apple Maps lead fired

Apple Maps lead firedRichard Williamson is his name, and shipping a less-than-perfect mapping application on the iPhone 5 was his game, until, as Bloomberg's Adam Satariano reports, Senior Vice President Eddy Cue fired him. As an aside, I really like that Bloomberg lists both the reporter’s and the …

Verizon Activated 3.1 Million iPhones In Q3 2012, But Only 651K Were iPhone 5s

Verizon Activated 3.1 Million iPhones In Q3 2012, But Only 651K Were iPhone 5sMG Siegler, commenting on the TechCrunch post by Chris Velazco, linked above: In other words, the iPhone 5 was on sale for just nine days before the quarter ended. And it was supply-constrained the whole time. Mr. …

Apathy and ecstasy for the iPhone 5

Mat Honan, writing at Wired’s Gadget Lab blog: It is an amazing triumph of technology that gets better and better, year after year, and yet somehow is every bit as exciting as a 25 mph drive through a sensible neighborhood at a reasonable time of day. I am still waiting for Verizon to push Jelly …

Apple's Comfortable Middle

Hamish McKenzie, writing at PandoDaily : With two product launches in a row that show Apple is merely keeping pace with innovation rather than leading it, the world’s most valuable company will start to seem mortal. I disagree. For the record, I’m usually on board with Mr. McKenzie’s analyses, and …