larry lessig
Larry Lessig fighting for campaign finance reform with Mayday PAC
Larry Lessig fighting for campaign finance reform with Mayday PAC
Lawrence Lessig’s Mayday PAC is using the very system it decries to attempt to bring that system down. In other words, Lessig et al are hijacking the virus (the influence of big donors on American politics via election contributions) to deliver the vaccine (funding for politicians committed to proposals which would limit big political contributions).
If you support the cause, be heartened: Lessig likes to fight, and is good at it.
If you don’t support the cause, it’s probably time to start taking Mayday seriously. Your candidate’s job may depend on it.
Larry Lessig on the suicide of Aaron Swartz
Larry Lessig on the suicide of Aaron Swartz
It’s a tragedy, as suicide always is, but Mr. Lessig asks important questions about one of the undoubtedly myriad experiences that led Mr. Swartz to his final act. The internet can express our condolences, but only Aaron’s family and friends can truly comfort one another, and I sincerely hope they find that solace.