Laurie Voss
Designer Eats Engineer
It’s getting easier for designers to become engineers. That’s a good thing, but it should be even easier. Design should be the hard part.
This is a great post, and something I think about often. I can read and write a lot of HTML and CSS, and can read some JavaScript. I don’t know anything about design, but I’m confident in my ability to avoid ugly mistakes by putting as much consideration into what I don’t include as I do into what I do include.
As an aside, Medium is a beautiful site with consistently solid content by thoughtful and articulate people.
Seldo's Tumblr: Another awesome US immigration experience
Seldo’s Tumblr: Another awesome US immigration experience
So a little over a month ago I finally got my green card. So for the first time in 7 years of living in the US and periodically leaving it to visit my family, I wasn’t terrified that my visa documents wouldn’t be in order and I’d get denied entry and deported.
Predictably, this was the first time…
Read this example of the stress of immigration, even when it is is very legal and everything is supposedly in order.