
    Budgets and egos

    Budgets and egos

    Journalism and tomatoes

    Journalism and tomatoes

    AT&T, acquiring DirectTV, "vows" to stick to FCC's Open Internet rules for 3 years

    AT&T, acquiring DirectTV, “vows” to stick to FCC’s Open Internet rules for 3 years

    Gino Barrica on self-hating lawyers

    Gino Barrica on self-hating lawyers

    The true Julian Assange

    The true Julian Assange

    Condoleezza Rice backs out of Rutgers commencement

    Condoleezza Rice backs out of Rutgers commencement

    Internet Privacy and What Happens When You Try to Opt Out

    Internet Privacy and What Happens When You Try to Opt Out

    Philadelphia School District releases budget data

    Philadelphia School District releases budget data

    Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne's blog

    Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne’s blog

    Gabriel García Márquez on life as literature

    Gabriel García Márquez on life as literature

    Om Malik on digital advertising

    Om Malik on digital advertising

    Plagiarism in Legal Briefs

    Plagiarism in Legal Briefs

    Government agency NTIS charges for docs you can get online for free, loses money doing it

    Government agency NTIS charges for docs you can get online for free, loses money doing it

    The DATA Act and legislative definitions

    The DATA Act and legislative definitions

    Margaret Sullivan takes her NYT colleagues to task like it's her job, because it is

    Margaret Sullivan takes her NYT colleagues to task like it’s her job, because it is

    Heartbleed: When no encryption is better than bad encryption

    Heartbleed: When no encryption is better than bad encryption

    “Notable toupee”

    “Notable toupee”

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