Listen: The Lawfare Podcast discusses zombies in the context of international law and national security
If you’ve ever wondered how international law, laws of war and national security policy might be applied to a zombie apocalypse scenario, listen to episode 89 of The Lawfare Podcast.
The law and policy discussed are real and interesting but the tongue-in-cheek analysis is wonderfully entertaining.
Listen: This Week in Law
When it comes to my own website, editorial calendars always give way to real life. I’m back with the latest in a series that would be more accurately called the “Podcast of the Month.” I really need to step it up with these, as I still have about 70 of them to which I listen with some regularity.
I’m featuring This Week In Law, a podcast covering technology, privacy, intellectual property and other areas of the law relevant to the internet and its users, for a couple of reasons. The first is that the most recent episode (embedded below), entitled Monkeys, Ducks and Unicorns, discusses the Aereo case as well as a recent Fourth Amendment case about cell phones, both decided by the Supreme Court in June.
The second reason I’m featuring This Week in Law is because I have probably listened to more hours of this podcast than any other. It got me through law school by educating, entertaining and inspiring me, even while I was studying far less interesting areas of the law. The voices of Denise Howell and Evan Brown, in a way that only happens on the internet, more familiar to me than some of my longest friends’ voices.
Subscribe to This Week In Law in iTunes, Pocket Casts or RSS.
Listen: 99% Invisible
This week’s featured podcast is 99% Invisible is “a tiny radio show about design,” by Roman Mars.
If you think often about design, you’ll love every episode of this one. If you don’t think often about design, 99% Invisible will make you think often about design. Mars doesn’t just talk about graphic design every week. He finds design everywhere.
This week’s episode is Call Now! and it is all about that magnificent corner of the advertising industry that is lawyer marketing. Whether you’re a law student lawyer, or client, it’s a must-listen. I’ve embedded it below the subscription links.
Subscribe to 99% Invisible:
iTunes | Pocket Casts | RSS
Listen: CMD + Space
I want to tell you about one great podcast every week. This shouldn’t be a problem for at least a and a half or so because I am currently subscribed to about 80 podcasts. The first Podcast of the Week is CMD + Space.
An interview show by Myke Hurley, CMD + Space typically features a wide-ranging conversation between he and a guest from the Apple world. App makers, pundits and others talk about how they approach app development on Mac and iOS.
Find out more about the show at its homepage on the 5by5 podcast network. If you need a podcast player, I highly recommend the one made by the guest on this week’s episode, Russell Ivanovic. His app Pocket Casts is available on Android and iOS and can sync subscriptions and played position across multiple devices.