Samsung shipped a stunning 57M smartphones in Q3 — twice as many as Apple
Samsung shipped a stunning 57M smartphones in Q3 — twice as many as Apple
How many Samsung devices are on the latest version of their respective operating systems?
Many consumers don’t know or care that they’re buying an outdated version of Android, but that ignorance will not last forever. Samsung needs to solve the fragmentation problem if they expect this kind of success to be long-term.
Welcome to VentureBeat’s reporting-driven Friday
Welcome to VentureBeat’s reporting-driven Friday
Good on ‘em for trying this out.
NoWait protects restaurants from the wrath of restless customers
NoWait protects restaurants from the wrath of restless customers
Rebecca Grant, writing at VentureBeat:
Restaurants can use this iPad app to keep track of available tables and alert customers with a text message when their table is ready.
This sounds like technology with the potential to go far beyond restaurant use cases.