
How the death of Google Reader is saving RSS

How the death of Google Reader is saving RSSBen Popper, at The Verge1: Some Reader partisans may have given up on RSS after the shutdown, but the majority seem to have migrated to other platforms. In the weeks following the announcement, Feedly saw 3 million Google Reader refugees sign up and …

Why carriers should be more worried than Google about Facebook Home

Why carriers should be more worried than Google about Facebook HomeEllis Hamburger, writing at The Verge: Mir­ror­ing its roll­out of free VoIP call­ing for iOS, Face­book has updat­ed its Mes­sen­ger app for Android to allow free call­ing for users in the US. I think this is Facebook’s true …

Why I Chose Temple Law

I originally posted this to one of my old blogs, The Rotten Word, in April 2009. I wanted to publish it here as well because I plan to write a follow-up soon, having graduated in January of this year. Many thanks to Philadelphia litigator Max Kennerly for his advice and kind words about this post …