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Some policy thoughts on corporate "revenge hacking"

Michael Riley and Jordan Robertson, reporting a fascinating story at Bloomberg:

In the U.S., companies are prohibited by the 30-year-old Computer Fraud and Abuse Act from gaining unauthorized access to computers or overloading them with digital demands, even to stop an ongoing attack.

The act exempts intelligence and law-enforcement activities, allowing the government to respond more aggressively than private-sector firms. There’s little indication, though, that military and intelligence agencies have used their most powerful tools to shut down attacks on businesses, as the U.S. has attempted to address foreign-based hacking through diplomacy and the courts.

Diplomacy and the courts are clearly inadequate channels for preventing, halting or discouraging foreign-based hacking.

The question, then, is whether the U.S. government will use its broader “revenge” authority under the CFA to defend not only itself but private U.S. companies. This method would be problematic from a funding perspective, and may cause diplomatic friction.

Alternatively, the CFA could be amended to allow “proportional responses” by private U.S. companies to foreign-based hacking. This method would be problematic from oversight and transparency perspectives, subjecting revenge hacking to market dynamics and the “black box” in which companies conduct so much of their business (especially when they’re privately held).

Yes, companies often have to deal with reporting requirements in the aftermath of a major data breach, but they don’t have to disclose any countermeasures under any current state or federal notification regime I can find.

Perhaps the best solution would involve some hybrid of these. For example, a department of government investigators and hackers could be assigned in small groups to companies facing imminent or ongoing foreign-based hacking.

They could embed into the companies like journalists sometimes embed into military units, assisting the company in its response and pulling the trigger on revenge hacks, insulating the company from CFA immunity.

The hybrid method minimizes government expense, maximizes company involvement and allows for the use of transparency laws such as the Freedom of Information Act by journalists and policy analysts to peek inside the black box.

I’m obviously not going to come up with a perfect solution in a short blog post, but it’s worth thinking about.

Image by the author

Treatment of Transgender Employment Discrimination Claims Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Treatment of Transgender Employment Discrimination Claims Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Employees sue Sony over email leaks

Employees sue Sony over email leaks

A court of beginnings

Photo of Pike County Courthouse by the author

Several excellent writing professors have told me throughout my life that you start by starting. Introductions, caveats and excuses delay your goal and bore or confuse the reader. Don’t tell people what you’re going to do. Do it.

But they also advised me always to write with my audience in mind. This is a blog, and you’re still reading, which suggests you like to read blogs, or at least my blog. So I’m assuming you’re prepared for and maybe even expecting some opinions. Here they are, by way, as they say, of introduction.

I can be a cynical, pessimistic bastard.

I can’t help it, and I really don’t want to help it. The world is a nasty, ugly place where terrible things happen to innocent people all the time. I’m convinced, through arrogance or narcissism or rationalization, that my gloomy outlook keeps me well-prepared for those dismal days we all inevitably encounter, and insulates me from the worst disappointments. Optimism sounds in my ears like a synonym for naivety.

Told you: I’m a bastard. But today I’m going to break character for a few hundred words.

I don’t often write about my work. I never have. I think it’s a good rule to stay away from what you’re currently doing, especially in the world of the law, where much of it is privileged and confidential.

It’s unprofessional to complain about your job in any detail, and as a cynical, pessimistic bastard I find joyous reports about one’s work untrustworthy at best. I have stories from previous jobs that would make your eyeballs burst from your face. But even if I was unscrupulous about what I was willing to share, to the extent that I wrote here about everything, what stories would I have left to tell at parties?

So there it is. That’s the introduction my writing advisors always advised against. But I think I did okay. I needed all that to make it clear to you why the rest of this little essay is an exception for me.

I don’t have to violate any privilege or confidentiality to say a typical Common Pleas court sees a lot of depressing stuff: divorce, custody, drug addiction, acrimonious estate distributions, and worse. Yes, our judges also perform marriages, but those aren’t really cases, so the law clerks never have occasion to attend.

From where I am sitting, it is often a court of dismantling, of endings.

Today, though, I was present for the first time at an adoption proceeding. It was emotional for the family. And all of the Court’s personnel were doing something we rarely do during court proceedings: we were smiling.

While I think family is most clearly defined by something ineffable in our hearts, legal recognition gives that definition life in the outside world.

And that can be just as important, especially when it comes to the right to protect, provide benefits to or make healthcare decisions for your family when they are unable to do those things for themselves.

It’s hard to be a cynical, pessimistic bastard while you watch a group of children and adults get their first photograph taken as a legally recognized family. Today, even if only for thirty minutes, ours was a court not of dismantling, but a court of building, and beginnings.

What a beautiful thing.

The ethics of reporting on the Sony hack

The ethics of reporting on the Sony hack

Google recognizes non-binary, fluid nature of gender identity in new settings

This is another post that began as a mere link post and became, by the time I was done writing it, an article in its own right. When I’m doing more than brief commentary, an article of my own feels more appropriate. There’s more room for opinion in a full article, and I like few things more than expressing my opinions.

I was heartened to read that Google Plus will allow custom gender self-identification. Googler Rachael Bennett announced the new gender options, appropriately enough, on her Google Plus page, saying:

When “Custom” is selected, a freeform text field and a pronoun field will appear. You can still limit who can see your gender, just like you can now.

This may not seem important to cisgendered1 readers, just as naming a state anti-discrimination law after Apple CEO Tim Cook may not seem like a big win for the LGBTQ community at large.

Google’s recent move, though, exceeds even Facebook’s more than 70 custom gender options. Many of us use our social networking profiles as an important or even primary way of presenting ourselves to the world. It’s therefore important that we can be as vague or as specific as we want to be on those social networks, so we maintain control over our own identities.

But people who are comfortable with their gender or sexual orientation “in real life” may, in the online world, suffer the reverse of being “outed.” Namely, that while they live “out” in real life, limited options for expressing their gender or sexual orientation might force them to misrepresent themselves online.

And people who aren’t yet “out” in real life may see a lack of options for accurate self-expression as yet another point of social pressure on them to delay coming out. The two problems, though opposites, are equally disturbing. Such circumstances can be degrading and depersonalizing, and Google’s change to gender options is a small but important step toward solving those and similar problems.

Sexual orientation and gender identity are too often viewed, especially by cis people, as binary, non-fluid characteristics. The truth, as I understand it2, is that sexual orientation and gender identity are often composed of an interplay of continuums. More than that, for many people the two are not fixed points, but fluid and shifting throughout life, especially young life. That makes the proliferation of custom self-identification options on social networks a great thing.

The law, of course, has a very long way to go in this area, but that’s a matter for another article altogether.

  1. "Cisgendered" describes a "gender identity where individuals’ experiences of their own gender match the sex they were assigned at birth," as opposed to transgendered. Source: Wikipedia (I know, I know, but this is a blog post, not a legal brief or a research paper, give me a break.) 
  2. Again, I’m a cis male, straight, white and middle-class American. I’m not exactly brimming over with personal experiences indicative of the discrimination I’m talking about, and I think it’s important to point that out so you can read this in context. 

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