🔗 QuickLink Opener – FlohGro I do something similar (even in name), with quicklinks.lol, but Floh Gro’s solution using an action in Drafts for iOS is faster, and private.
🔗 Manton Reece - Recommendations and blogrolls on Micro.blog I’ve long meant to get a blogroll up on this site, and it’s another testament to the fact that I’ve chosen the right community that it was recently integrated into Micro.blog, including auto-updating, public OPML and JSON exports.
Bilbo is, ever was, and ever shall be, my people. “Back now to the Mountain!” cried Thorin. “We have little time to lose.” “And little food to use!” cried Bilbo, always practical on such points. – The Hobbit, Chapter 15, The Gathering of the Clouds, by J.R.R. Tolkien
🔗 U.S. versus Apple: A first reaction – Six Colors I haven’t read the complaint yet, but this was… not what I expected Attorney General Merrick Garland to have his people focused on…
🔗 Scholarfy | Google Scholar bookmarklet by Johan Ugander This is a useful bookmarklet to move a standard Google search to Google Scholar. I use it with modified version I made with ChatGPT to search an exact phrase, for use in searching for legal opinions. Here’s “my” code: javascript:location = ‘scholar.google.com/scholar"’ escape(document.forms[0].elements[‘q’].value) ‘"';
🔗 32-Bit Cafe The best part about the 32-Bit Cafe is that we’re trying to move the internet forward productively in the ways we can make an impact, participating in the creation of web services, websites, and weird, wacky web projects. We want to bring back the idea of personal websites to the many of us who have been stuck in social media cycles since the emergence of Web 2.
⚖️ It is an uncharacteristic misstep, in terms of both litigation strategy and public relations, for Apple to poke the EU bear by terminating Epic’s developer account. Whether Apple is right about Epic's intentions is irrelevant. This move looks petty and, worse, calculated to avoid exactly the kind of competition from exactly the kind of competitor the Digital Markets Act intends to encourage.
😔 Yahoo is accelerating its enshittification of Engadget, in a move that really surprises absolutely no one because, well, it's Yahoo: "Engadget, which is operated by Yahoo, will lay off 10 employees, according to people with knowledge of the situation who say staff were “blindsided” by the decision. In addition to cutting staff, the editorial team will split into two sections: 'news and features' and 'reviews and buying advice.' The news teams will focus on traffic growth, while the reviews teams will report to commerce leaders.
Chris Geidner at Law Dork has the best explanation of why the 5th Circuit’s jurisprudence has become so, to use a legal term of art, whacky: At the end of the day, there are essentially three groups of active judges on the Fifth Circuit: There are “mad vibes” judges, legally conservative judges, and legally moderate (or more left) judges. Geidner is so insightful and prolific that, and I mean this as a high compliment, it irritates me a little.
The top seven free apps in the news category of the iOS App Store are a mix of proudly user-hostile mismanagement, fear mongering, hyperlocal hate, and Nazi monetization.
🔗 Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice Bill Toulas, writing at Bleeping Computer: Targeting open-source software developers tends to backfire for companies, as others fork or clone the code repositories to prevent the projects from disappearing. At this time, the Haier home assistant plugins have been forked 228 times, many occurring since the news of the legal threats. Now? 1,462 forks. These were niche plugins for niche software for a niche audience before Haier let the lawyers loose.
☄️ I’m watching this Yaccarino interview very long after it occurred, but time has not dulled the stings of how uninformed and naive she was about Twitter and Musk. It’s hard to believe a seasoned executive fell so far so fast, but there’s no denying the descent when you’re standing in the crater… https://youtu.be/hYymRU-bfpQ

Stop turning awesome apps into internet noise machines

The news aggregating app Artifact is shutting down. Jarrod Blundy wrote at his blog HeyDingus: I do wonder if it would have had a brighter future without the ability to add comments. I never engaged with that social aspect of the service, and I expect it contributed massively to its complexity and moderation costs. I think about this every time a good news or link aggregation app goes away.
Finished reading: Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White 📚 — ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Skip and dance, jump and prance! Go down through the orchard and stroll in the woods! The world is a wonderful place when you’re young. It sure is. What a hell of an amazing book to relegate to the unjustly dismissed “children’s” shelves. This book gets five stars, no question about it. White manages to address, in my opinion, so many of The Important Things We All Should Learn About Rather Young If Possible, including misogyny/clueless men, bullies, transactional acquaintances, competition, the joy and sorrow of freedom, the dilemma of the naive but intelligent, parenting (well, let’s be honest, mostly motherhood), the distinction between pathology and an innocent’s rational-from-their-perspective perceptions, the rarity and value of adults who are aware of the immediately preceding concept (like the inimitable Dr.
📱 Someone please tell me which non-leather bifold wallet case to get for an #iPhone 14 Pro, preferably in pink. Extra points for MagSafe compatibility but it's not required.
🤖 Don’t bother giving your three-year-old a comprehensive 10-minute explanation of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s early career up to The Terminator, featuring one of the absolute BEST accent performances of your LIFE, because, honestly, they aren’t going to appreciate it at all.
😕 Thanks to Casey Newton mentioning it on the #HardFork podcast and my having no judgment regarding the apps I try, I downloaded an app called bonk. Join the whatever this is and find me at https://bonkbonkbonk.app/friend/joeross …

iPhone as geek guardrails

Here’s a reply I posted to someone I follow on Mastodon who, on being issued an iPhone by their employer for work calls, was wondering why anyone chooses it over other options when, for example, it’s hard to sideload something as simple as a custom ringtone: Look I need guardrails and I’ve known that ever since I was bopping around the command line on my HTC Evo 4G. Some of us stopped headbanging not because the music left our hearts, but because if you feel something too deeply for too long it can destroy you.
🤨 Is it true that despite paying for the special upgrade I can't set the #ChatGPT iOS app to default to 4 instead of 3.5?i
Dear Lawyers Still Manually Numbering Paragraphs: Stop it. Here’s a tutorial: Place your cursor where you intend to begin the numbered section of your pleading. Click the numbered list button in your word processor. Repent, and feel your soul become lighter. Yours, scoldingly, Joe
🎮 Bluey: The Videogame, for real life?! Yup. https://youtu.be/S-PYqMxXKKk
⌚ Audio recordings are an overlooked way of keeping memories with your kids. Mine are both under 4 and, while pointing a phone camera at them often changes their behavior, a surreptitious audio recording is easy to do. I've got some great stuff that I'm almost certain an attempt at photos or video would've prevented. Aside from sleep tracking, this is the most common way I used my Apple Watch.