🔗 Does the Statute of Limitations Ever Apply in Legal Malpractice?

Hey look, my employer has a blog about the kind of work I do, and I wrote a thing for it.

I wore transitions (™️?) lenses for a year and half in my late thirties and no one close to me loved me enough to punch me in the face and force me to replace them. I’m not saying I don’t take responsibility, or that I’m not loved at all, just maybe not enough.

😠 Google’s connected speakers and hubs are actually useful (unlike Alexa and Siri…), but it’s really hard when you’re super angry about something and have to mumble “Hey Google …” through gritted teeth. Just let us change the wake phrase.

(Yes I know some devices/command combinations don’t require a wake phrase but who has time to learn which)

😠 Google’s connected speakers and hubs are actually useful (unlike Alexa and Siri…), but it’s *really* hard when you’re super angry about something and have to mumble “Hey Google …” through gritted teeth. Just let us change the wake phrase.

(Yes I know some devices/command combinations don’t require a wake phrase but who has time to learn which)

🔗 Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book | Books | The Guardian

I’m not quoting from the review or her memoir because Noem is deplorable, and because, somehow, it’s worse than the headline suggests.

When people tell you who they are, believe them.

💙 About to watch the long Bluey episode with the family… will update afterward…

💙 About to watch the long Bluey episode with the family… will update afterward…

😠 If your iPhone on iOS 17 becomes unresponsive, be warned:

You may lose that day’s photos if you decide to force a reboot before getting them off the phone.

This happened to me today. I lost three photos of my son being cuter than any other son in the world.

😠 If your iPhone on iOS 17 becomes unresponsive, be warned:

You may lose that day’s photos (reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1apd) if you decide to force a reboot (support.apple.com/en-us/116940) before getting them off the phone.

This happened to me today. I lost three photos of my son being cuter than any other son in the world.

🔗 Some legal malpractice cases are bogus, and many are defensible. But some are, well, not, which is apparently how State Bar Court Judge Yvette D. Roland in California viewed the misconduct proceedings against John Eastman, the now-disbarred architect of the 2020 fake electors nonsense. mediaite.com/politics/just-in-

PDF: joeross.me/uploads/2024/sbc-23

🔗 Some legal malpractice cases are bogus, and many are defensible. But some are, well, not, which is apparently how State Bar Court Judge Yvette D. Roland in California viewed the misconduct proceedings against John Eastman, the now-disbarred architect of the 2020 fake electors nonsense. (PDF)

🔗 Manton Reece - An update on the pricing update

Micro.blog is such a great value. Like omg.lol, Micro.blog is a positive community built by people who didn’t see exactly what they wanted on the web, so they decided to make it.

Bilby, 2018 - ★★★★

This short is, indeed, extremely cute. But it's also impressively executed in terms of the writing and the animation.

Parenting pro-tip: Shorts like this one are good to keep handy for when you need to extinguish a tantrum without starting a longer watching session.

👑 That feeling when you've been reading The Hobbit to your kids and your four-year-old daughter insists, and I mean INSISTS, that the friend she made recently at dance class, whose name she had trouble remembering until just now, is named Thorin

🔗 QuickLink Opener – FlohGro

I do something similar (even in name), with quicklinks.(dot)lol, but Floh Gro’s solution using an action in Drafts for iOS is faster, and private.

Update February 1, 2025: I let my above quicklinks domain lapse and someone else snagged it, and it redirects somewhere weird, which I don’t have time to vet for malicious or nefarious intent, so I’ve removed the hyperlink. However, you should still be able to access the latest version on both this website, at ql.joeross.me, and at the GitHub repository.

🔗 Manton Reece - Recommendations and blogrolls on Micro.blog

I’ve long meant to get a blogroll up on this site, and it’s another testament to the fact that I’ve chosen the right community that it was recently integrated into Micro.blog, including auto-updating, public OPML and JSON exports.

Bilbo is, ever was, and ever shall be, my people.

“Back now to the Mountain!” cried Thorin. “We have little time to lose.” “And little food to use!” cried Bilbo, always practical on such points. – The Hobbit, Chapter 15, The Gathering of the Clouds, by J.R.R. Tolkien

A quote image from chapter 15 of The Hobbit: Back now to the Mountain! cried Thorin. We have little time to lose. And little food to use! cried Bilbo, always practical on such points.

🔗 U.S. versus Apple: A first reaction – Six Colors

I haven’t read the complaint yet, but this was… not what I expected Attorney General Merrick Garland to have his people focused on…

🔗 Scholarfy | Google Scholar bookmarklet by Johan Ugander

This is a useful bookmarklet to move a standard Google search to Google Scholar. I use it with modified version I made with ChatGPT to search an exact phrase, for use in searching for legal opinions.

Here’s “my” code:

javascript:location = ‘scholar.google.com/scholar"’ escape(document.forms[0].elements[‘q’].value) ‘"';

🔗 32-Bit Cafe

The best part about the 32-Bit Cafe is that we’re trying to move the internet forward productively in the ways we can make an impact, participating in the creation of web services, websites, and weird, wacky web projects. We want to bring back the idea of personal websites to the many of us who have been stuck in social media cycles since the emergence of Web 2.0. Not to mention, we’re not just helping people build their first websites; we’re also making our own hosted services for anyone to use and participate in to help with decentralizing hosted services.

This is exactly the kind of thing I love to see.