Threatening to take away your customers’ fake merit badges if they don’t pay more isn’t a business.

It’s barely a grift.

It’s how a lonely bully enforces the closest thing to social relationships he can possibly attain.

But at least we can call the post-mortem when this all explodes “the X-Files.”

Obviously this is incredible, full stop. But if you’re trained in the craft and the composers, this must be one of the most delightful things you’ve seen in a long, long time. And those animations!…

The kicker? The performer, Joseph Castanyer Alonso, is the cellist of the Royal Stockholm Philaharmonic Orchestra. Piano isn’t even his primary instrument. Wild.

(Via kottke & Erikmitk)

🍿 Prey, 2022 - ★★★★ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers.

A Predator movie is only as good as its protagonist. 

The dialogue can mostly suck, as it does here. 

The CG effects can look like trash, as they too often do here. 

The plot can be an early colonial-American choose-your-own-adventure story, as it (mostly) is here. 
But if you have 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger, or 2022 Amber Midthunder, you will have a movie worth your time, and worthy of a theater run. 

That Prey didn't get the latter is an affront to Midthunder's performance. 

She carries the movie, together with the skilled eye of Philadelphia's own Dan Trachtenberg. 

And you can't help but notice, as the movie progresses toward a climax that thrills in spite of its predictability, that only she and the Predator get any character development. They're growing in parallel: she coming into her power, and it learning that its power may, for the first time, not be enough to ensure its survival.

(And yes, the dog lives.)

One bit of Casey Newton’s latest Platformer piece, on how Threads can survive the calm after the storm, must have many social media pros searching their feelings.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of social media managers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Casey Newton wrote in his newsletter Platformer about how Threads can survive its initial explosion in user base: "the best version of Threads is an app where people go to learn about and discuss what’s happening in the moment, news included, and absent that the feed is going to feel like one more overstuffed shopping mall for a company that already has plenty of those. (The earliest days of Threads, when the timeline was dominated by brands posting cringey engagement-bait, offer a good roadmap for what the company should avoid.)"&10;&10;

I need Mrs. Meyers to answer for the fact that her “Compassion Flower” handsoap scent has me routinely smelling like I think Axe body spray is a legitimate thing for a 40-year-old person to smell like.

A photo of Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day hand soap, Compassion Flower scent

Kaya’s Kitchen.

Avon-by-the-Sea Beach.

I was going to treat reddit like Facebook, visiting every 1 or 2 months to see what was going on. But reddit leadership are so hostile to the most engaged users that I think it’s time to delete my account, which sucks.

Reddit removes years of chat and message archives from users' accounts | Mashable

💬 💬 Okay, I'm trying again to see if I can set it up so my updates on are imported to my and syndicated out from there.

Elon Musk is the answer to the question:

What if we gave MRAs, incels and wannabe MAGA Big Deals™ billions of dollars and Peter Thiel’s cell phone number?

List of Indie Dev Sales Events

Matt Corey put together a list of developers holding sales in an indie software version of Amazon’s Prime Day:

Below, you’ll find a list of over 100 (🤯) Indie apps that are offering discounts for Indie App Sales, July 11-12! Each of these apps is developed by an Indie App Developer - that can mean a lot of different things, but generally speaking, these are built by very small teams, or individuals either full time or part time. Indie App Developers are the epitome of small businesses, and sure do appreciate your support!

Via Jarrod Blundy at HeyDingus

Mark Frauenfelder, writing at Boing Boing:

A recent study of sleep loss and depression found that one night of total sleep deprivation generally worsens mood and emotional regulation in healthy individuals, but induces a temporary lift in spirits for some individuals with depression. . . . The findings were remarkable: lack of sleep escalated negative mood among the healthy subjects, but eased depressive symptoms in 43% of the patients with depression.

Presented without comment. 😐

Here’s a link to the study itself. Let me know if any copies fall off the back of any trucks, because i don’t have access to PNAS.

Firefox address bar modifiers - the wiki:

The address bar has become our entry point to the internet these days. Firefox in its default configuration does some sort of smart guess on what you type there. If it resembles a URL then the browser makes that request. If not, it sends the string you typed to your default search engine. It also includes some fuzzy search matches from your history and all that, which is fine 90% of the time, but sometimes you need a bit more control over what results it shows you.

Screenshot of Firefox address bar modifiers

I had no idea. These are super-useful.

(via Hacker News)

Breakfast at Monmouth Junction Kitchen

I’m trying out a new cross-posting method, this time using the #RSS feed for a new “status” category in to cross-post to other services, like Mastodon and Bluesky. If it works, I can leave cross-posting deactivated by default on regular posts.

(take 2…)

I guess we’re supposed to shit on Threads.

Skepticism is valid. But they already collect data from Instagram users. And you can always deactivate or delete your account:…

I’m giving it a chance, but the forced algo. timeline is probably a dealbreaker for me.

My daughter shushed me while we watched Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot” today and I’ve never been more proud of anything than I was when she told me, quietly and politely, but firmly and resolutely, to “just be quiet for a minute and listen to the man talk about space.”

Edit to add: She’s only 3 years old!…

Neil Gaiman liked a post of mine on Bluesky. It was actually a re-post of one of his own posts, and he’s famously interactive with folks on social media, so I’m not exactly special, but it’s fun to see!

A screenshot of Neil Gaiman having liked a share of a Bluesky post he made.

::: growling at my negative internal monologue monster :::

This was supposed to post to my Microblog via OwnYourSwarm but I don’t know how to set up my theme etc. to make it look like a checkin and I’d appreciate any help #MicroBlog / #IndieWeb / #micropub geeks can offer.

(I fished for help with this about a month ago but there were no bites.)

The early nerd gets the… something. I’m tired.