Ars Technica

    FCC abides by GOP request, deletes everything from meeting agenda

    FCC abides by GOP request, deletes everything from meeting agenda

    Wheeler's attempt to impose new set-top box rules that help consumers avoid paying cable box rental fees may also be doomed. Consumer advocacy group Public Knowledge sent a letter to Trump today urging him to side with consumers instead of "cable and Hollywood lobbyists" on the issue.


    The how and why of sneaky ultrasonic ad tracking

    Dan Goodin reports over at Ars Technica on the development of technology which can use inaudible frequencies to tie together multiple unconnected devices. He explains:

    The ultrasonic pitches are embedded into TV commercials or are played when a user encounters an ad displayed in a computer browser. While the sound can't be heard by the human ear, nearby tablets and smartphones can detect it. When they do, browser cookies can now pair a single user to multiple devices and keep track of what TV commercials the person sees, how long the person watches the ads, and whether the person acts on the ads by doing a Web search or buying a product.

    Goodin cites a letter from the Center for Democracy and Technology to the Federal Trade Commission [PDF] describing the technical aspects of the practice and the privacy implications. I won’t repeat what Goodin or CDT have already explained with clarity. Instead, I wanted to talk about the inability of users like us to opt out of cross-device tracking.

    Why don’t the companies developing and using these tracking technologies just tell us what they’re doing and give us the option to opt out? Obviously, requiring us to opt in would be the most honorable and least user-hostile approach. But I’ll concede that as being firmly in the “never gonna happen” column.

    I am open to the possibility that I set up a straw man in the next section of this article, so feel free to point it out to me if that’s what you think. Just be constructive.

    Concerns about using a straw man aside, the only logic I can see undergirding the failure to offer an opt-out mechanism is a concern that a large number of users would in fact opt out. That would obviously reduce or, in a worst-case scenario for tracking companies, eliminate the population of tracked individuals.

    The only problem with that is that it’s bullshit.

    We opt in to terms of service and privacy policy all over the web every day without reading a word of them. Projects like ToS;DR and TOSback aim to make us better informed about what we’re agreeing to and how those agreements change over time. They are fascinating and important projects but primarily the domain of geeks like me (and, since you’re reading this, possibly you, as well).

    The truth is the overwhelming majority of people click “Yes” or “Agree” or “Continue” or whatever other button or link gets them to the web content or software they want to use. Here’s a quote from an AdWeek article published in May 2015, citing a survey done by photography website ScoopShot:

    More than 30 percent of the 1,270 survey respondents said they never read the ToS when signing up to a social network. 49.53 percent only read the ToS ‘sometimes,’ and only 17.56 percent of people ‘always’ read the ToS.

    Yes, that’s only one study, and yes, it was conducted on SurveyMonkey, but it’s a decent sample size. And can you honestly tell me that you or anyone else you know read the terms and policies of the sites and software you use? Probably not.

    Is there any other reason, then, that creepy advertising tracking technology doesn’t offer an opt-out, just like the ones we never actually make use of throughout the rest of the web? Yes, I think there is.

    Most websites have terms of service and privacy policies, although they are usually relegated to miniscule links at the very bottom of the website’s footer section. The European Union requires cookie notifications. But when is the last time you decided not to use a website like Facebook or the BBC website because you read their policies and didn’t consent to them? I’ll answer for the overwhelming majority of us: never, ever.

    It’s their ubiquity coupled with the dominant user response of wildly clicking “Yes” until you get what you came for that makes website policies such a compelling topic of discussion. The companies building the technology that uses inaudible sound to tell advertisers that your phone, computer, television and tablet all belong to the same person can minimize conversation about their products by refusing to present you with an opt-out mechanism.

    It’s that desire to remain invisible and as uncontroversial as possible for as long as possible that motivates them to be so sneaky. One commenter on Goodin’s Ars article puts it very well:

    that advertisers keep basing their technological "progress" off of malware research and techniques is very telling.

    It sure is. The reality is that I am one of those weirdos who doesn’t care if I’m tracked, but I do care when I’m not asked to consent to it. I propose that some privacy-minded geeks more intelligent than I develop some sort of ultrasonic ad-cancelling noise generation software for us to use in our homes and offices to thwart secret ultrasonic cross-device ad tracking. You have to take that one and run with it, I’m just an ideas man.

    Another blow to deceptively marketed "unlimited" data plans

    Another blow to deceptively marketed “unlimited” data plans

    Jon Brodkin at Ars Technica:

    The FCC's new rules ban throttling except in cases of "reasonable network management." AT&T could argue that the throttling is necessary to keep its network running smoothly, but FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has objected to throttling of plans that are supposed to be unlimited and forced Verizon Wireless to back down from a throttling plan last year.

    I have no problem with good-faith network management, but if a plan is subject to throttling, it can’t be marketed and sold as “unlimited.” The FTC is sending the right signal here in choosing to pursue this case, and Judge Edward Chen of the US District Court in Northern California has demonstrated that he understands the issue.

    The network that can provide real unlimited data at usable speeds with no fine print has an opportunity to significantly increase its user base, but I haven’t found one yet. Let me know if you have.

    FBI Director dislikes encryption on Apple and Google devices

    FBI Director dislikes encryption on Apple and Google devices

    NPEs planning patent litigation may be safer as private companies

    Note: I’m not your lawyer, you’re not my client, and nothing in this article is, or should be construed as, legal advice.

    Companies that don’t sell anything and exist only to enforce patent rights, sometimes purchased from the original patent holder solely for the value of enforcement, are known as non-practicing entities (NPEs) or, pejoratively by defendant companies and their attorneys, “patent trolls.”1

    The NPE will sue claiming infringement of one or more patents, and may not actually have any intent to litigate. Many companies and inventors of all sizes regard NPEs scornfully, but are often forced to play ball because settlement is almost always cheaper than litigation. For smaller startups, the cost of litigation may even pose an existential threat.

    Allow me to play devil’s advocate for a bit. I consider most NPEs parasites, siphoning money out of the market in return for nothing at all. But here are some thoughts on what some of them may be doing wrong from their own perspective. After all, what good is an attorney who can’t think like his enemy?

    Let me explain some basic corporate law, as much for my recollection as for your edification. A corporation is subject to the law of the state in which it incorporates, and corporate law differs from state to state. The cases I cite below only illustrate the foundational principles of corporate statutory and common law.

    A company’s board directors and officers owe several fiduciary duties to shareholders and the company itself. One of those is the duty of care, which says that responsibility for “the financial interests of others imposes on a director an affirmative duty to protect those interests.”2

    However, courts realize businesspersons are in a better position than judges and attorneys to make sound decisions for their companies. For that reason, courts often defer to the judgment of a company’s leadership absent some gross negligence.3

    The business judgment rule, as it is called, is at its core :

    a presumption that in making a business decision the directors of a corporation acted on an informed basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests of the company.4

    Thus, the fiduciary duty of care owed to shareholders by directors and officers requires them to make a “good faith effort to be informed and exercise judgment.”5

    So, now back to the NPEs. When a company faces suit by an NPE, its leaders are obligated to compare the costs of litigation and settlement and choose the path most protective of the company’s and shareholders’ interests, which is usually the less costly path. And that, of course, is almost always settlement.

    Joe Mullin, writing for Ars Technica, explains the financial position of an NPE recently vanquished by web-based tech retailer Newegg:

    MacroSolve had about $800,000 on hand and looked to be burning through about $50,000 a month, not including payments to its lawyers.

    That $50,000 happens to match the low-end of the amount MacroSolve demanded of companies against which it brought patent infringement lawsuits. In other words, it matched its settlement demands to its burn rate.6

    It was actually surviving only, or primarily, by threatening to go to trial on patent claims of dubious validity. MacroSolve is a public company, so much of their financial and operational information is openly available. Newegg realized after reviewing that information that MacroSolve’s burn rate matched the settlement demands, and built a strategy around it: call the MacroSolve bluff, revealed by their public financials, by refusing to settle, causing their burn rate to deplete cash-on-hand and substantially reduce or totally eliminate the company’s ability to press on with any outstanding litigation.

    NPEs registered as private companies and considering the MacroSolve strategy may be safer staying private. Public companies may want to consider taking the company private before using litigation or threat of litigation, on the assumption that some percentage of defendants will settle, to fund the company’s survival.

    In conclusion, patent litigation by non-practicing entities is even more a game of poker than most litigation, to the extent the defendant isn’t really infringing or the patent’s validity is assailable, and public companies show too much of their hand too much of the time to play safely under most corporate law regimes.7

    1. Read the canonical story of the birth of the phrase “patent troll,” in spring of 1999, here
    2. Smith v. Van Gorkom, 488 A.2d 858, 872 (Del. 1985) (Opinion
    3. Aronson v. Lewis, Del.Supr., 473 A.2d 805, 812-13 (1984) (Opinion
    4. Id. at 812 (Opinion
    5. In re Caremark Int’l Inc. Derivative Litigation, 698 A.2d 959, 968 (Del. Ch. 1996) 
    6. Successful venture capitalist Fred Wilson defines burn rate as “the speed at which your cash balance is going down.” Read his article on the topic here
    7. Of course, putting the devil’s advocate thing aside for a moment, which I do in a footnote in keeping with the spirit of the article, it’s probably best to innovate in some meaningful way and get a new or improved product to market instead of looking for the most defensible way to monetize patents which may not be valid and probably aren’t being infringed anyway. 

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